Campus Life & Support
Social Sciences Internship
Be our Partners
Our students' accomplishments and improvements could not be made possible without the extensive support from our partner organisations, providing the internship opportunities to us. We express our sincere gratitude for the great support from our previous and current partners over the past years.
By offering internship placements for our students, organisations could be benefited in various aspects.
Improve company's public image by cultivating young talents.
Uplift the quality of workforce and flexibility.
Stimulate innovation and develop better working attitude for current staff.
Enhance employees’ professional knowledge, social and communication skills from working with student interns.
Improve organisations’ social alertness and awareness.
Create network and facilitate communications among organisations, University and students.
Job Posting Schedule
Intended Internship Period
(At least 5 consecutive weeks)
June to August
(5 full days/ 40 hours per week)
Open for Job Posting
in February/ March
Semester 1
Late-August to November
(2 full days/ 16 hours per week)
Open for Job Posting
in February/ March
Semester 2
January to April
(2 full days/ 16 hours per week)
Open for Job Posting
in October
Important Notes
Duration & Work Hour Requirement
At least 5 consecutive weeks and a minimum of 200 work hours per internship period.
Work Location
The internship work should be arranged within Hong Kong SAR
Internship Nature
Given the training and educational nature of the internship, there is no employment relationship between the Partner Organisation and the Student Intern. Student Interns will be enrolled in a 3-unit Free Elective course (in Pass/Fail grade).
The Statutory Minimum Wage (SMW) and Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) do not apply to the students with no employment relationship with the host organisation or company. If an employment relationship has been established by the organisation, a student internship will be exempted from the SMW. However, the organisation is required to contribute to the student intern’s MPF if a consecutive employment period of not less than 60 calendar days is established.
We are grateful if partner organisations could provide meal and transportation allowance for Student Interns as financial support if the internship is not paid. Any information regarding allowance should be given at the time of Job Posting.
An On-site Supervisor should be assigned by partner organisation to:
- Brief and supervise the student intern during the internship.
- Endorse the student intern’s Monthly Attendance Log Records and leave application, and
- Assess the student intern’s performance and complete the Internship Appraisal Report at the end of the internship.
Internship Agreement
Internship Agreement will be signed between the University and the Organisation before the start of the internship. Letter for confirmation of "student intern" status under Minimum Wage Ordinance (Cap. 608) (MWO) will be provided to the Partner Organisation upon request.
Any special arrangement should be communicated with the University in advance, and it must be mutually communicated and agreed among the University, the Organisation and the Student Intern.
Placement Registration by Partner Organisation | Around March |
Deadline of Placement Application by Student | April |
Internal screening by HKBU | April |
Referral(s) information sent to respective Organisations | Mid-April |
Interview by Partner Organisations (if any) | By mid-May |
Confirmation of placement offer | May |
Signing of Internship Agreement |
May |
Internship Starts | Early-June |
Endorsement of Monthly Attendance Log Records | By the end of the work month |
Internship Ends | By the end of August |
Appraisal Report Submission by On-site Supervisor | Early-September |
Placement Registration by Partner Organisation | Around March |
Deadline of Placement Application by Student | April |
Internal screening by HKBU | April |
Referral(s) information sent to respective Organisations | Mid-April |
Interview by Partner Organisations (if any) | By mid-May |
Confirmation of placement offer | May |
Signing of Internship Agreement |
May |
Internship Starts | Late-August or September |
Endorsement of Monthly Attendance Log Records | By the end of the work month |
Internship Ends | By the end of November |
Appraisal Report Submission by On-site Supervisor | Early-December |
Placement Registration by Partner Organisation | Around November |
Deadline of Placement Application by Student | November |
Internal screening by HKBU | November |
Referral(s) information sent to respective Organisations | Early-December |
Interview by Partner Organisations (if any) | By mid-December |
Confirmation of placement offer | December |
Signing of Internship Agreement |
December |
Internship Starts | Early-January |
Endorsement of Monthly Attendance Log Records | By the end of the work month |
Internship Ends | By the end of April |
Appraisal Report Submission by On-site Supervisor | Early-May |
Student Interns have to work for one semester (Summer, Semester 1 or Semester 2) for at least 5 consecutive weeks and obtain a minimum of 200 work hours at the Partner Organisation in accordance with a work schedule agreed by the Partner Organisation and the University.
- June to August (Summer): full-time basis (5 full days/ 40 hours per week)
- Late-August to November (Semester 1): part-time basis (2 full days/ 16 hours per week)
- January to April (Semester 2): part-time basis (2 full days/ 16 hours per week)
The Partner Organisations are expected to designate a staff member to act as a supervisor of the Student Intern throughout the internship. The On-site Supervisor will be responsible for the following tasks:
- Brief the Student Intern about the organisation, policies and working procedures.
- Supervise the Student Intern during the internship.
- Endorse the Student Intern’s Monthly Attendance Log Record and leave application.
- Assess the student intern’s performance and complete the Internship Appraisal Report at the end of the internship.
SMW does not apply to the internship arranged by Social Sciences Internship as it is educational and training based, there is no employer-employee relationship between the Partner Organisation and Student Intern, which will be stipulated in the Internship Agreement to be signed between the University and the Partner Organisation.
Letter for confirmation of "student intern" status under Minimum Wage Ordinance (Cap. 608) (MWO) will be provided to the Partner Organisation upon request.
For more detailed information, please check with the websites from the Labour Department on SMW: http://www.labour.gov.hk/eng/news/mwo.htm
Social Sciences Internship is educational and training based, there is no employer-employee relationship between the Partner Organisation and Student Intern, which will be stipulated in the Internship Agreement to be signed between the University and the Partner Organisation.
If an employer-employee relationship has been established by the Partner Organisation, the Student Intern undertaking the internship will be exempted from the SMW but the Organisation is required to contribute to the Intern’s MPF if a consecutive employment period of not less than 60 calendar days is established.
For more detailed information, please check with the websites from the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) on MPF: http://www.mpfa.org.hk
Remuneration or provision of meal and transportation allowance for Student Interns will be most welcome. This would help provide financial support and encouragement to them. However, these are not mandatory and depends on Partner Organisation's decision. Any information regarding allowances should be provided in the job posting details for students' reference.
Internship Agreement, stating the internship period and details, will be signed between the University and the Partner Organisation.The Agreement Draft will be provided for Partner Organisation's verification after the internship details is confirmed.
Any special arrangement should be consulted by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, HKBU in advance, and it must be mutually communicated and agreed among the University, the Partner Organisation and the Student Intern.
A Student Intern may be placed on probation or terminated by the Partner Organisation for the following reasons:
- Excessive tardiness or absences.
- Unsatisfactory performance or conduct as evaluated by the Agency Supervisor.
- Acts of discrimination, disruptive or other inappropriate behaviour.
The On-site Supervisor will communicate with the Office of Off-Campus Learning and meet with the Student Intern to discuss any abuse or violation, and following the meeting, a notice of probation or termination will be sent to the Office of Off-Campus Learning for further coordination.
In the case of probation, the notice will include deficiencies, a plan for improvement(s), and a timeline by which the improvement(s) must be made.
- The Student Intern may be removed from probationary status if the deficiencies outlined in the plan are corrected within the designated timeline.
- If the plan for improvement(s) does not lead to a result of satisfactory performance, the Student Internship may be terminated.
Final decisions regarding disciplinary action or termination are made by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.